Stay Safe, Memphis! MLE Realty Updates on the Winter Storm and How We Can Help

Good morning Memphis! We're all bundled up here at MLE Realty, keeping a close eye on the ongoing winter storm and Mayor Strickland's state of emergency declaration. We know this icy situation has thrown a curveball at our city, and we want to assure you that we're here for you as neighbors and real estate professionals.

1/18/20241 min read

snow covered pine tree during daytime
snow covered pine tree during daytime

Staying Warm and Informed:

  • Safety First: Follow the city's instructions carefully and stay indoors if possible. Roads are treacherous, and emergency services are strained.

  • Winterize Your Home: Check on vulnerable neighbors, ensure pipes are protected, and keep extra blankets and food supplies on hand.

  • Stay Updated: Monitor MLGW updates for power outages and road closures. You can find official information on their website: [] and social media channels.

MLE Realty is Here to Help:

  • Selling in This Climate? We're experts at navigating unpredictable markets. If you're considering selling your property, we can discuss virtual tours, alternative buyer outreach strategies, and ensuring proper safety protocols for showings.

  • Dream Home on Hold? If your search for the perfect Memphis pad is temporarily snowed in, don't fret! We can use this time to refine your search criteria, research neighborhoods, and ensure you're ready to hit the ground running when the roads clear.

  • Need a Helping Hand? Whether it's checking on a vacant property, picking up essential supplies, or just a friendly chat, we're here to offer support. Reach out to your MLE agent or contact us directly.

Remember, Memphis: We're a resilient community, and we'll weather this storm together. Stay safe, look out for your neighbors, and let's all focus on emerging from this icy chapter stronger and warmer than ever.

And when the sun shines again, MLE Realty will be right here, ready to help you find your perfect Memphis haven.

Stay Strong, Memphis!

The MLE Realty Team

P.S. Stay tuned for further updates and resources throughout the storm. We'll share essential information and keep you connected to our supportive community.

#MemphisStrong #MLEFamily #WinterWonderland (with a dash of caution!)